Generic Video Making
Generic Video Making
Su questa pagina puoi selezionare il numero di video che vuoi realizzare per prodotti generici.
NB: sono esclusi dal prezzo inserimenti grafici e audio.
Come lavoriamo:
  • Sarà necessario inviare un video esempio. I tempi di consegna dei video si intendono dalla data di inizio delle riprese;
  • Set, luci, ombre e inquadrature verranno aggiustate in base alla tipologia di prodotto; 
You already added this category
Generic Video Making
Photos technical specifications
Choose frames (the photos you see include additional services “vector clipping path and natural shadows")
Movie 30 sec

Movie 30 sec

Files’ name / Process name
We remember you that
We do not accept products to build

To let us respect photoshoots delivery timing you will need to pay with Credit Card/Paypal/immediate online Bank Transfer and send us products within 24 hours.

You need to pay within 10 days maximum.

Photoshoots delivery timing is meant starting from the moment we receive your products.

At the end of processes you will be able to download photoshoots into your personal area, for 3 months starting from our email notification.

Total order amount

Total photos amount€ 0,00
Total additional services€ 0,00
Net price€ 0,00
VAT€ 0,00
Total order amount€ 0,00


Generic Video Making

Unit photo price

Number of photos
Total photos amount
Total additional services
Net price
VAT 22%
Total amount

Total order amount

Total photos amount€ 0,00
Total additional services€ 0,00
Net price€ 0,00
VAT€ 0,00
Total order amount€ 0,00